practice the art

of transformational healing

with Traditional Medical Alchemy & Clinical Herbalism

Herbal remedies to heal the whole being

Most herbalists want to be “holistic.”

But what does that really mean?

It means that you understand the whole person and the whole plant. That you see the relationship between their physical, energetic, and spiritual virtues.

It also means that the medicine we use— the actual preparations— should be holistic as well, healing the body, mind, and soul. 

After all, how can you expect to heal the whole person if the medicine you use doesn’t contain the whole plant? 


The Missing Pieces

in modern herbalism

Unfortunately it’s all too common in modern day herbalism to tunnel in on symptoms & forget the whole person. Plants are commonly understood by what they’re “good for” and their true holistic nature is overlooked…

So we use Turmeric for inflammation or Willow bark for a headache… which works sometimes, but sometimes isn’t good enough for a practicing herbalist.

Beyond that, we use one kind of remedy to heal the body— like teas, tinctures, and powders— and different preparations for the emotional, psychological or spiritual side of healing— like homeopathics or flower essences. 

When we lose sight of the whole person and the whole plant, our practice of herbalism becomes scattered, allopathic, and less likely to be effective. 

Like our modern culture, the practice of herbalism is suffering from a deep split, a state of separation between science and spirit.

But what if you could harness the full medicinal potency of plants by concentrating their chemical, energetic, and spiritual properties in a singular holistic extract?

What if you had an integrated system that united the science and spirit of herbal medicine and enabled you to transform the lives of those you serve?

The Alchemical Tradition Reunites the Science and Spirit of Herbal Medicine

The tradition of alchemy harnesses the transformational cycles of Nature as the basis for natural pharmacy and the crafting of holistic herbal medicines.

When we take those alchemically prepared medicines into our bodies, they transform us in the same way we transform them in the lab. 

Alchemy understands that to heal is to evolve, and to evolve is to heal. That to grow spiritually, we must heal, and to heal, we must make changes to become better people.

True healing is not just a lack of symptoms… but a transformational process that touches the core of who we are, reintegrating us with the archetypal forces and patterns of nature externally and internally. 

This is the level of healing desperately needed at this time…


online program from the School of Evolutionary Herbalism

The most comprehensive online education on


Some programs teach alchemy. Some teach herbal medicine. But none synergize them in a way that gives you the ability to both prepare and administer plants to provide transformational levels of healing.

This holistic system unites herbal traditions from around the world into a cohesive system that integrates the science and spirit of people and plants. 

This is not your run of the mill herbal program. From spagyric alchemy and medical astrology, to clinical Western herbalism, Ayurveda, and modern pharmacology, you’ll gather skills that revolutionize your practice of herbalism in the forest, the pharmacy, and the clinic. 

Here's what you'll learn​


The essence of Alchemical Herbalism is a holistic philosophy of nature, people, and plants that guides your practice of herbal medicine. 

You learn the fundamentals of what you need to be an effective practicing herbalist, with the unique approach the alchemical tradition provides. 

Below is a high level overview of what you learn throughout the entire course, with a more detail breakdown of the modules and curriculum further below.

The Language of Plants

Deepen your connection with plants by learning to balance your rational knowledge of them with intuitive and experiential understanding. Rather than just memorizing plant properties, you will learn about the plants from the plants themselves.

Integrative Global Herbalism

See the connections between the great herbal traditions of the world — such as Western herbalism, spagyric alchemy, medical astrology and Ayurveda — and weave them together into a comprehensive system of plant medicine that  is both spiritual and scientific. 

Learn Plants with Precision

Get beyond learning just what herbs are “good for” and learn their essential medicinal patterns. From tastes, energetics, and actions, to organ affinities, and esoteric properties, you’ll learn your plants with precision so you can understand them holistically, and see the connections between their chemical, energetic, and spiritual virtues. 

Understand People Holistically

Get beyond just treating symptoms and get to the root causes of disease by understanding people holistically. From constitutional systems, anatomy, physiology and pathology, to psychology and stages of spiritual development, you’ll know how to treat the whole person with precision by seeing the relationship between the body, spirit, and soul. 

Cosmological Medicine

The alchemical paradigm allows you to see the relationships people and plants have to the wholeness of nature and cosmos, or how the “macrocosm is within the microcosm.” You’ll understand people and plants through the lens of the energetic architecture of nature: the Seven Planets, the Five Elements, and the Three Philosophical Principles.

Craft Traditional Alchemical Remedies

To heal the whole person you need a holistic medicine that integrates the chemical, energetic, and spiritual properties of the plants. You’ll learn step-by-step examples of how to create spagyric herbal extracts that heal the body, mind, and soul of the people you serve. This is what makes the practice of true alchemical herbalism possible.

the curriculum

Module 1:


Module 1: The Intelligence of Nature

The foundation of this work is learning how to perceive the intelligence of nature and the language of the plants, which is the root of Alchemy and herbal traditions across the world. You'll balance your intuitive and rational faculties, develop deeper sensory perception, and decipher meaning in the natural world, within yourself, and in the laboratory.
Start Here

Module 4:

Eastern Alchemy & Ayurveda

Module 4: Eastern Alchemy & Ayurveda

Get a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Ayurveda and its reflections in Western Herbalism as well as Alchemy. You'll learn constitutional assessment so you can match the remedy to the person, rather than the disease. Understand the unique Ayurvedic perspective on medicine, pathology, cosmology, constitutional theory, as well as a their model of understanding and classifying the medicinal properties of plants.

Module 2:

elemental herbalism

Module 2: Elemental Herbalism

Discover your unique embodiment of the Elements: from your physical constitution & psychological temperament, to your organ systems, tissue states, and disease predispositions. Learn to see the Elemental pattern within plants through their medicinal actions, energetics, tastes, chemistry, morphology, and psycho-spiritual properties. The Elements are at the foundation of many herbal traditions across the world, and are used to transform plants in the lab, and people in the clinic.

Module 5:


Module 5: Astro-Herbalism

Understand how the Elements, principles of Western Herbalism and Ayurveda all come together in medical astrology to give you a powerful system of anatomy, physiology, psychology, spiritual evolution, and transformational healing. You'll learn the specific nature of each planet and sign as they're reflected in people and plants on the physical, energetic and spiritual levels.

Module 3:

patterns in western herbalism

Module 3: Patterns in Western Herbalism

Learn the fundamental principles of vitalism, herbal energetics, tissue state & constitutional theory, the physiological actions of plants, and organ system appropriations. Bridge the patterns of Western Herbalism to Ayurveda, the Elements, and Medical Astrology for a truly cohesive model that helps you think holistically and get out an allopathic approach to herbalism.

Module 6:

Western Alchemy & Spagyrics

Module 6: Western Alchemy & Spagyrics

Discover the unique way plants embody the Elemental, Planetary, and Fundamental forces of nature through their signatures and correspondences. Learn the practice of traditional Alchemy through extraction, purification and recombination of the 3 Philosophical Principles of plants. Craft spagyric medicines that concentrate the chemical, energetic and spiritual properties of plants that heal the whole person.

Module 1:


Module 1: The Intelligence of Nature

The foundation of this work is learning how to perceive the intelligence of nature and the language of the plants, which is the root of Alchemy and herbal traditions across the world. You'll balance your intuitive and rational faculties, develop deeper sensory perception, and decipher meaning in the natural world, within yourself, and in the laboratory.
Start Here

Module 2:

elemental herbalism

Module 2: Elemental Herbalism

Discover your unique embodiment of the Elements: from your physical constitution & psychological temperament, to your organ systems, tissue states, and disease predispositions. Learn to see the Elemental pattern within plants through their medicinal actions, energetics, tastes, chemistry, morphology, and psycho-spiritual properties. The Elements are at the foundation of many herbal traditions across the world, and are used to transform plants in the lab, and people in the clinic.

Module 3:

patterns in western herbalism

Module 3: Patterns in Western Herbalism

Learn the fundamental principles of vitalism, herbal energetics, tissue state & constitutional theory, the physiological actions of plants, and organ system appropriations. Bridge the patterns of Western Herbalism to Ayurveda, the Elements, and Medical Astrology for a truly cohesive model that helps you think holistically and get out an allopathic approach to herbalism.

Module 4:

Eastern Alchemy & Ayurveda

Module 4: Eastern Alchemy & Ayurveda

Get a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Ayurveda and its reflections in Western Herbalism as well as Alchemy. You'll learn constitutional assessment so you can match the remedy to the person, rather than the disease. Understand the unique Ayurvedic perspective on medicine, pathology, cosmology, constitutional theory, as well as a their model of understanding and classifying the medicinal properties of plants.

Module 5:


Module 5: Astro-Herbalism

Understand how the Elements, principles of Western Herbalism and Ayurveda all come together in medical astrology to give you a powerful system of anatomy, physiology, psychology, spiritual evolution, and transformational healing. You'll learn the specific nature of each planet and sign as they're reflected in people and plants on the physical, energetic and spiritual levels.

Module 6:

Western Alchemy & Spagyrics

Module 6: Western Alchemy & Spagyrics

Discover the unique way plants embody the Elemental, Planetary, and Fundamental forces of nature through their signatures and correspondences. Learn the practice of traditional Alchemy through extraction, purification and recombination of the 3 Philosophical Principles of plants. Craft spagyric medicines that concentrate the chemical, energetic and spiritual properties of plants that heal the whole person.

Module 7:

Esoteric Herbalism

Module 7: Esoteric Herbalism

Integrate everything together as you learn the sister sciences of Alchemy, primarily the Qabalah and the Tarot, to understand the transformational properties of spagyric preparations of plants. Learn to perceive the archetypal expressions of plants and how they embody specific evolutionary functions as they interface with human consciousness. Develop a unique practice of herbalism that honors the soul, spirit and body of people and plants and ultimately leads to transformational levels of healing.

Outline of Curriculum Lesson by Lesson

(Click each module below for a details curriculum overview)

The Seven Stages of

Alchemical herbalism

The Alchemical Herbalism Program progresses through seven stages of your herbal development. These are the specific processes you go through in the practical application of what you learn in your coursework, from learning your remedies holistically and transforming them into powerful medicines, to healing yourself and others with them.

1. discover

Your Inner Forest

The first step is discovering the remedies of your “inner forest;” those plants that you deeply resonate with and “stand up in the forest and call your name.” These seven  plants are those you’ll learn through study and experience, take through the alchemical process, and ultimately will be healed and transformed by. 

2. Build

Experiential Knowledge

Build your direct experience by sitting with your plants, learning directly from them, and developing your relationships to them. You’ll cultivate a deep and profound connection to your plants as you come to understand their unique language, teachings, and medicine… all from the plants themselves.

3. understand

Herbs Holistically

Learn your plants holistically through its physical actions, chemistry, constitutional and organ affinities, energetics, psychological and emotional properties, and spiritual virtues. Your heart based understanding will be balanced with intellectual, traditional knowledge that goes beyond just what it’s “good for” so you can use it effectively and holistically.

4. unlock the

Esoteric Virtues in Plants

Decipher your plants’ embodiment of the archetypal forces of nature through its elemental and planetary rulers. You’ll be able to see the relationship between its physical, energetic, and spiritual properties, as well as how those same forces help you understand people holistically. This is the key to preparing your plant alchemically and administering it transformationally.

5. Craft An

Alchemical Medicine

With knowledge of the elemental and planetary ruler, you now can harvest and prepare the plant according to the principles of spagyric alchemy. By concentrating its chemical, energetic and spiritual properties, you have the full medicinal potency of the whole plant that will heal the whole person.


Transform Yourself

As you work with your spagyric preparations, you’ll receive a deep level of healing and integration of your plant’s unique medicinal virtues as it becomes a part of who you are. The plant now guides you through the same transformational process you took it through in the lab. As you heal the various parts of yourself you’ll come to a deeper understanding of the archetypes of Nature, and grow in your skills as an herbalist. 


Serve Others

Everything comes full circle as plant by plant, spagyric by spagyric, healing by healing, you enter deeper levels of understanding of the healing power of alchemically prepared plants. As you heal yourself, you are better able to step into the role of serving your community as an alchemical herbalist, sharing the deep levels of transformational healing you’ve received through this process.

Alchemical Herbalism is for both beginners and advanced herbalists

Totally new to herbalism? If you’re struggling to grasp it all— or even know where to start — this course was designed with you in mind. You’ll get a solid foundation that gives you the competence to work with herbs with confidence. 

Already a seasoned practitioner? In addition to learning powerful new methods and practices, you’ll gather tools to get even more out of your remedies and clinical results in your practice. You’ll learn connections you’ve never seen before, and how to put that knowledge to use that provides transformational healing.

Wherever you’re at on your plant path, you’ll get powerful tools to advance your practice of herbalism so you get the healing results you know are possible.

“Words cannot express how thankful I am for the healing I received in this program. You’ve provided me with amazing tools for years of self-study and personal healing to come.

I could not have designed a better school for myself!”

– Willow – Portland, Oregon





We’re here for you every step of the way. You’ll have all the help and support you may need throughout your journey from our team of experienced & knowledgable herbalists – on the phone, chat, email or through message in the student portal. 


Course Database

Astro-Herbalism is a completely searchable database. If you have a question or are looking for something specific, just search to find the exact lesson you’re looking for. You also get access to thousands of articles in our knowledge base.

You'll Have

Lifetime Access

Once your tuition is paid in full you will have lifetime access to the course materials. There are no deadlines to finish the course or end-dates where you lose access. We believe if you pay for something you should get to keep it forever!


Online or Offline

Every lesson is in video format, but you can also download MP3 versions of the lectures and in-depth PDF notes, charts, and  handouts, making it easy to get your herbal studies in anywhere, especially through our exclusive student app.

engage & connect

with Community

Engage with the community in our student teahouse. Setup your profile, post in your activity feed, start a forum discussion, update us on your program progress, start a study group, and make connections with other like-minded herbalists.


at Your Own Pace

You can study whenever it’s convenient for you. You’ll be able to take your time and watch the videos over and over again. There’s no deadline to finish the course material – you can study as fast or slow as you like.

Take a tour inside the program

Earn your own

certificate of completion

As you watch each lesson, your progress is tracked through the program so you know where you’re at, where you left off, and how much more you have to go.

After you’ve finished the entire program, you’ll receive your own personalized Certificate of Completion to show that you’ve finished Alchemical Herbalism.

Take Your First Step on the Path to Herbal Mastery



$ 238 12 Monthly Payments
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$ 2597 1 Payment
  • List Item #3
Save $300
$ 460 6 Monthly Payments
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We’re confident that this program gives you everything you need to become a practicing herbalist. But if you discover the program isn’t right for you, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee, no strings attached as long as you haven’t downloaded a majority of the program. We want you to have plenty of time to go over the materials and see if the program is really a good fit for you.


In addition to the entire program, you also get these bonuses

Bonus 1:

Medical astrology crash course

1. Medical Astrology Crash Course

This HUGE additional 11 lesson module is a deep-dive training on how to read the natal birth chart for health purposes, giving you a cutting edge assessment tool to use with each of your clients. Never be overwhelmed by a chart again! You’ll learn how to determine the constitution and temperament, assess disease predispositions, and create herbal formulas based on the chart. This course takes your practice of Astro-Herbalism to a whole other level and gives you the tools and skills you need to integrate medical astrology into your clinical herbal practice.

Bonus 2:

The spagyric blueprint

2. The Spagyric Blueprint

This is the closest I can get to bringing you into my lab and guiding you step-by-step through the art and science of crafting spagyrics. You'll get hands-on training on how to prepare spagyrics, set up your home laboratory, operate your equipment— and do it all on a budget. You'll learn different methods of extraction, purification, and recombination to craft different types of spagyric extracts. This is where the theory and practice really come together!

Bonus 3:

living astrology series

3. Living Astrology Series

When studying astrology, getting different perspectives is critically important for a well-rounded understanding. This 12 part interview series with astrologer Tyler Penor gives you fresh insights on the signs of the zodiac, the planets, and core principles of astrology. His approach to astrology makes it co-creative, tangible, and practically applicable in your daily life so you can use these tools for healing, personal growth, and living in accordance to your life purpose. These interviews totally blew me away, so I know you'll get a lot out of them! This is an additional 12+ hours of audio material!

Bonus 4:

exclusive quarterly webinars

4: Exclusive Quarterly Webinars

Each quarter we'll come together on a live webinar where I’ll be able to share more teachings and give you an opportunity to ask your questions live and get clarity on anything you've been studying in the program. These exclusive student-only live webinars will occur around the changing of the seasons, four times a year. These webinars are a great opportunity to anchor the material in on a deeper level and have personal interaction with me.

Bonus 5:

student discount on spagyrics

5: Student Discount on Spagyrics

We’ll be talking about a lot of plants throughout the course and having an opportunity to experience them through the potency of spagyrics can be a great learning tool to bring the teachings to a tangible level. Our Natura Sophia Spagyrics dispensary stocks over 120 different Spagyric Tinctures, 50+ Spagyric Essences, and over 50 different formulas, making it one of the most comprehensive full potency spagyric lines in the world. This offer is available for 1 year after you register for the course and applies to the entire Natura Sophia Spagyrics line.

Bonus 6:

Holistic Herbalism Blueprint

6: Holistic Herbalism Blueprint

If you're just getting started on your herbal studies, this 5-week series will give you a solid foundation in holistic herbalism. You'll break out of the limited thinking pattern of "allopathic herbalism" or the "use this herb for that symptom" mindset. You'll know exactly how to approach studying plants and understanding people through the vitalist model, as well as get insights into herbal formulation and how to holistically evaluate clients.

Bonus 7:

exclusive access to the

Evolutionary Herbalism Student App

After years of painstaking development, we’re proud to offer our students an exclusive Evolutionary Herbalism app. Whether it’s watching the latest Q&A session, staying updated on forum and group discussions and your activity feed, or having convenient access to your courses, the app makes access to the Evolutionary Herbalism world right in your pocket. Available for both iOS and Android users.


hear from our incredible community of herbalists & alumni from our courses

“I am ever so grateful for this school because there is so much rich and valuable information being offered. Finally I can breathe and practice in confidence because I have to tools and the teachings to back it all up for life!”

April Shabazz
Evolutionary Herbalism student, herbalist, nutrition and health consultant,
The Herbal Releaf Apothecary

“This program has tremendously enhanced my competence and confidence in my ability to help people with plant medicine.

Before this program, I was thinking that I would never know enough and I was keeping my interest in herbalism private. But through this course, a door to the heart of nature opened for me to share healing with others – to be a bridge between the herbs and the people.

I have the tools and confidence now that I have support from the School of Evolutionary Herbalism and material to consult for a lifetime.”

-Lisa Jeannin

Tranås, Sweden

“This school has opened my eyes and heart to a whole new way of seeing and perceiving the world, synthesizing so much information I have studied over the years into a cohesive and practical system.

It’s given me a whole new skill-set and practical application for my knowledge and passions. A new lens to approach healing that encompasses both my clinical herbalism background, along with my spiritual longing.”

Anja Robinson, founder of Mana Medicinals

Williams, Oregon

I can truly say that the School of Evolutionary Herbalism was the rooted foundation of my herbal practice. Sajah’s invitation to go into nature and into the heart centered space to cultivate a relationship with nature itself is what truly transformed me and then assisted me in cultivating a space for my practice. Through the Alchemical Herbalism program I now am a practicing astrologer and am now purchasing equipment to begin spagyric operations. Time and time again I come back to listen to the lectures in this course to not only brush up on knowledge, but also to reflect on how far my practice has come and where it will continue to go as it grows.

-Cameron Allen, herbalist & medical astrologer

Memphis, Tennessee

Through this course I have gained a confidence that I didn’t have before, even after attending several different herb schools.

I gained a new spiritual perspective connecting with plants I already knew in a much more deeper and profound way. I feel like this was the class I needed to tie everything I learned all together.

Before Alchemical Herbalism I was shy to call myself an herbalist, but now I realize what it truly means because I feel it.”

-Colleen Bones, founder of Witch in the Woods Modern Botanicals

 Humboldt County, California

take the next step

on your plant path

Now is the time to step up to your calling and commit to growing on your plant path – not only for yourself, but for your family, for your community and for the Earth.

If you’ve been waiting to take that next step to serve at your greatest capacity, then now’s your time.



Select the best payment plan for you below

$ 238 12 Monthly Payments
  • List Item #3
$ 2597 1 Payment
  • List Item #3
Save $300
$ 460 6 Monthly Payments
  • List Item #3

Our 30 Day Money Back


Signing up for an online course is a commitment we don’t take lightly, and we want to make sure that the course is a good fit for everyone that joins. That’s why we have a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. Enroll now and try it out, risk free. If you feel like the course isn’t for you, we’ll give you a full refund within the first 30 days of your enrollment.


Sajah Popham

Author of Evolutionary Herbalism: Science, Medicine & Spirituality from the Heart of Nature

Hey there! I'm Sajah, core instructor and founder here at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. You're probably wondering who I am and what my qualifications are.

I received a BS in Herbal Sciences from Bastyr University 2008, which formed my foundation in herbalism: rooted in science but also central to my Earth-centered spirituality. From there I received clinical training through studying and shadowing some of the best herbalists.

For the past decade of teaching thousands of folks from around the world through our school, my goal has been to have a truly holistic approach to people and plants, one that honors the physical, energetic and spiritual aspects of life. I strive to support people in transforming their lives, to not just be symptom free— but physically vital, mentally inspired, emotionally uplifted, and growing into their life purpose. The plants are at the root of this transformational healing, for that's what they have provided to me.

I hope to be able to share a little bit of the medicine I have gathered along my plant path with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! When you finish the entire course, you will receive a personalized Certificate of Completion showing the hours of education you’ve accomplished in the Alchemical Herbalism program. 

Whenever you’re done watching a video lesson and you’ve downloaded the notes that go along with that lesson, that lesson will automatically be checked off as complete. This makes it easy for you to move through the course so you can pick up wherever you left off and know how far you have to go till you finish the program. This also enables us to ensure you’ve completed the course material so that we can award you with a Certificate upon completion of the program.

This certification only shows that you’ve completed the course – it wouldn’t make you “licensed” or “officially approved” to practice herbalism, because such certification doesn’t exist in the US at this time.

The Alchemical Herbalism program is more focused on the spiritual aspects and philosophy of alchemy and spagyrics, giving you an understanding of the astrological forces that work through people, plants, and spagyric medicine. It is an overall holistic herbal philosophy that bridges the science and spirituality of plant medicine, with an emphasis on deciphering the pattern of the elements, planets, and principles within people and plants, along with integrating traditions like Ayurveda, Western herbalism, alchemy, Astrology, and natural philosophy.

The Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program is more clinically focused, with an emphasis on the body systems through a constitutional approach and focuses on using plants therapeutically for people, along with formulation and assessment strategies. 

Originally, Alchemical Herbalism was considered the “Year 1” Evolutionary Herbalism program and the Vitalist course was “Year 2,” as it was designed to take the teachings you learn in Alchemical Herbalism to a deeper level of specificity for a clinical herbal practice. That being said, they are both totally stand-alone programs and you can certainly do one without the other.

So they are ultimately 2 quite distinct programs. The Vitalist program does cover some simple medical astrology through the organ systems, but Alchemical Herbalism goes into much more depth on medical astrology in herbal practice. Alchemical Herbalism briefly covers holistic evaluation/diagnostics, but Vitalism goes much deeper on this subject.

Absolutely. All of the programs we offer are distinct unto themselves. That being said, Alchemical Herbalism does include a few other smaller programs we offer, including Elemental Herbalism, Botanical Constellations, and Astro-Herbalism. If you are currently enrolled in one of these programs and would like to upgrade your account to include Alchemical Herbalism at a discounted student rate, contact us directly at [email protected] or hit the chat link on this page to discuss upgrade options.

Because you have a lifetime access to this program, you can move as fast or slow as you like. We’ve designed it this way because we know how busy life is and want you to be able to study at your own pace. If you were to watch 2 videos per week you will get through the entire program in approximately a year.

When you register, all the classes are taught through videos lessons, and come with the option to download audio MP3s and PDFs for further reference as you move through the content.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, no strings attached! That will give you the option to go over the materials and see if the program is a good fit for you. If you would like to cancel your enrollment within the first 30 days to get a refund on your tuition, you will need to contact us via email or phone prior to the expiration of the refund window. No refunds can be given 30 days after the date of your enrollment. 

IMPORTANT: We have a zero tolerance policy for people that enroll, download a large portion of the course and then request a refund. We are able to track what materials are downloaded and will not issue refunds to people downloading large portions of the course.

We currently do not take work traders or interns as we don’t have the infrastructure to manage and oversee helpers at this time.

Absolutely! A major feature of being an Alchemical Herbalism student is access to our exclusive Student Teahouse. Here you can setup your own personal profile, post to your activity feed, start a forum discussion, make connections with your fellow classmates, start a study group, and give updates on what you’re learning, struggling with, or need support with.

If you have questions, there are a number of ways to get it answered:

  1. The program is a fully searchable database, so you can find the lessons and specific locations within videos that answer your questions.
  2. You get access to our knowledge base, which has thousands of articles, questions and answered from the past 8 years of running our courses. You get access to the articles from all 6 Evolutionary Herbalism courses at no extra charge.
  3. If you can’t find your answer there, you can submit your question to be answered on one of Sajah’s Q&A videos that are published on a weekly-ish basis. You also get access to ALL past Q&A videos, which is literally hours of additional content.

Yes! This program is not just about making spagyric medicine – this is only one module of the entire program. Much of what is taught is not just about making the medicine itself, but about how to therapeutically use herbs through understanding the underlying energetic and astrological principles behind plants and people.

If you are not into making the medicines yourself — but you want to start practicing someday soon; we do have a spagyric product line called Natura Sophia Spagyrics where we make our own spagyric extracts that many practitioners and students order wholesale from us. Please see our other site at for more info. 

Even if you don’t know a lot about herbs and you consider yourself a beginner, this program lays a solid foundation that gives you the skills & tools needed to use herbs holistically.

We’ve had students with zero background in herbalism who excelled in this program. Sajah breaks everything down in incredibly simple yet profound ways that are easy to grasp to get your foundation solid to grow from.

This program was designed to give advanced practitioners new strategies and perspectives that will accelerate your herbal practice to a more refined and potent level. The integration of alchemy, Ayurveda, medical astrology, and clinical Western herbalism is a unique synergy that makes this program highly distinct from other herbal programs out there that is guaranteed to give you new perspectives, insights, and practices in your work with plants. We’ve had surgeons, naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, and many holistic practitioners go through this program and all were taken to a new level of precision and potency in their practice.

We do not currently offer any in-person classes, but we do offer live classes online every other month which will enable you to ask questions to Sajah directly.

We’re working to get captions on our videos, but it’s a large project and we don’t have a date yet of when this feature will be available. This is a priority project as we want to make the course available to everyone. However, there are currently PDFs for each lesson in the program that you can download for your reference. 

Unfortunately the training session videos are not downloadable, and will only be available to watch until enrollment for Alchemical Herbalism closes.

Absolutely! If you’re buying this program for a friend or family member, please send a message to [email protected] or give us a call at (833) 988-4433

Yes! Our goal here at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism is to make herbal education available to everyone. This is why we focus so much energy in publishing so much content for free on our podcast, blog, YouTube, and social channels, as well as offering these more in-depth training sessions and mini-courses.

Our scholarship program is for our larger courses, such as the Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program and Alchemical Herbalism which may be financially inaccessible to some.

If you have questions about our scholarship program, you’re welcome to reach out to our support team with any questions at [email protected]

ask us a question

Our knowledgable team of experienced herbalists are here to support you

Jocelyn from the Student Support Team at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism


We’d be happy to talk with you and answer any of your questions!
You can call us at (833) 988-4433


We’re available to chat with you live during our business hours, just click the chat  box on the lower right side of this page. If we’re closed, leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we return to work.


Drop us an email with any questions you may have and we’ll get back to you as swiftly as we can. Send us a message at [email protected]

Sign up for the

Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program

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$ 100 for 24 Months
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$ 199 for 12 Months
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$ 383 for 6 Months
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$ 2097 one payment
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